Some people don’t like having spaces between their teeth, especially if they are in the front. “Diastema” is the word for a space between two teeth. There are no health problems caused by a diastema, but it can be fixed if it looks bad.
There are a few things that can lead to gaps in adult teeth. As a child, it’s common to have spaces between your teeth, but this happens less often when your adult teeth come in.
Some of the most common reasons are when a person has undersized teeth, which means that their teeth are too small for their jawbone. Due to the difference in size, there may be a space between the two front teeth. Most of the time, this is caused by genes and can be predicted by looking at the dental records of your parents. It can also be caused by long-term use of a pacifier or thumb sucking, which can move the teeth out of place and cause other dental problems. Gum disease is a common cause as well.
Poor dental care and lack of oral hygiene can lead to gum disease. For example, if you don’t brush your teeth well or floss enough, plaque and tartar can build up on your teeth. Plaque is made by bacteria, and over time, it wears away at the enamel and surface of your teeth and makes your gums sore. Your gums can get sore and swollen from the irritation. This could cause your teeth to shift, which could lead to gaps in your front teeth.
No matter what caused the spaces between your teeth, there are ways to close the gaps.
With Invisalign clear aligners, it’s easy to close a gap between teeth. People who have gaps in their teeth often get this kind of orthodontic treatment. The aligner trays are made to fit each person, and over time, this helps to move the teeth to their right places. If you are thinking about fixing your smile, you should always talk to a dentist at the Invisalign Centre in Starry Smile Dental Centre Dubai .
An e-consultation or an appointment can be used to start the process. The bad teeth will be found with the help of X-rays and photos. Then, an Invisalign Treatment Outcome Simulation will be made using the 3D scan. The simulation lets the dentist show you how the treatment will work to straighten your teeth and gives you an idea of what the results might be for your specific case. One of our Invisalign providers @ Starry Smile Dental Centre will come up with the final plan, to get started.
After the first visit, your dentist will be able to keep an eye on the process from a distance using the virtual care feature. As the teeth are slowly moved, the programme has different stages. Each person needs a different amount of time and a different number of aligners.
The good thing about Invisalign clear aligners is that kids, teens, and adults can all use them. This means that diastema can be treated almost at any age, no matter what caused it. Invisalign is also easy to use, less painful than traditional braces, and not very noticeable when it is worn.
There are many reasons why you might have gaps between your front teeth, which is called diastema. Different things can cause it, like genetics or gum disease. The good news is that the gap can be easily fixed with the help of the Invisalign Center in Dubai, no matter what caused it.