Effective Ways to Stop Grinding Your Teeth (Bruxism)

Do you wake up with a headache or a sore jaw more often than you’d like? Or maybe you think your teeth are too sensitive. Maybe your bedmate has been complaining that he can’t sleep because of the noise you make when you clench your teeth at night.

Here are a few signs that you might be grinding or biting your teeth while you sleep.

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What is grinding your teeth?

Bruxism, which is another name for teeth grinding, is a situation in which you grind, gnash, or clench your teeth. Usually, this happens when you’re sleeping. It can be a big problem.

Grinding your teeth all the time can do a lot of damage to your teeth, mouth, and jaw. You might also have other health problems if you grind your teeth while you sleep.

When you grind or clench your teeth, it usually happens at night when you aren’t aware of it.

The National Sleep Foundation says that the medical term for this is sleep bruxism, which means grinding your teeth at night. This is a type of movement issue, and it can be a sign of other problems, like snoring or sleep apnea, which is when your breathing stops and starts during the night.

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What made it happen?

At this time, we don’t know what the exact medical cause is.

There are a few things that can cause someone to grind their teeth. If you clench and grind your teeth, it could be because of things like worry, stress, anger, frustration, or tension.

Also, having an aggressive, competitive, or overly active nature can make this problem worse or cause it.
Some medicines, like antidepressants, can make you do things like grind your teeth.

Malocclusion, which is the medical term for a bad alignment of the upper and lower jaws, can also be a problem. People with medical conditions like Huntington’s disease and Parkinson’s disease may bite or grind their teeth.

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How it affects dental health

When you grind or clench your teeth often, it can do a lot of damage. Your teeth can break, loosen, get very worn down, or even fall out totally. There can be damage to repairs or crowns that are already in place. It can also make jaw problems like TMJ and TMD worse by making the pain and other signs of these conditions worse.

You can keep an eye out for some signs. Some of these are:

  • Your sleep partner says that you bite or grind your teeth at night, which wakes them up.
  • You have teeth that are sensitive.
  • Teeth that are flattened, broken, chipped, or missing.
  • Too much tooth enamel wear
  • Your jaw, face, or ears hurt.
  • Jaw muscles that are tired or tight
  • Feeling like you can’t open your mouth.
  • Your tongue has grooves.
  • When you chew on the inside of your mouth, you do damage to it.

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Getting Past the Difficult

There are many things you can do to stop grinding your teeth and clenching your jaw, protect your mouth from the effects, or get rid of the mindless physical need to do these things.

First, you should go to the doctor. Your dentist can help you figure out why it might be that you grind your teeth. Once you and your dentist figure out what’s wrong, he can come up with a treatment plan that’s right for you.

There are many different kinds of treatments. They can be dental, medical, or homemade.

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Dentists can give you dental braces and mouth guards to protect your teeth and gums from damage or to make it less likely that damage you already have will get worse.

Teeth-grinding and clenching may also be lessened or stopped by mouth guards. If your jaw isn’t lined up right, your dentist may be able to help you with treatments like braces.

Your dentist may tell you to see a doctor to rule out any health problems. A doctor could also give you muscle relaxers or Botox shots to help you relax your jaw.

Counseling can help with other kinds of treatments, like learning how to deal with stress or getting neurofeedback.

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There are also many home treatments that may help. Before you try any home treatments, you should talk to your dentist or doctor to make sure you don’t have a medical problem and to get their opinion.

Changing your way of life and using home treatments can help you stop grinding your teeth in a big way. Some of these things can be:

  • Find ways to lower your stress, such as through yoga or meditation.
  • Not drinking or smoking in the evening or right before bed.
  • Good sleep habits include going to bed at a reasonable hour every night and sleeping in a place that is set up for sleep.
  • Having your sleep partner wake you up when you bite or grind your teeth
  • Getting your teeth checked regularly

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Best Protection

Getting regular checkups from a licensed dentist is the best thing you can do for the health of your mouth, especially your teeth. Even if you aren’t aware that you grind your teeth, your dentist knows what to look for. If you think you might be grinding your teeth, your dentist will be able to tell you for sure. If you are looking for a dentist in the Dubai, Starry Smile Dental Clinic can help you find a doctor if you live in Dubai, area. Contact us to set up a meeting with one of the dentists on our team. With a full exam, we can help you figure out if you really do have bruxism. Once we know what’s wrong, we can offer and help you with effective ways to stop grinding or biting your teeth.


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