How to Take Care of Veneers for Your Teeth

Over the years, dental technology has improved, and one thing that has come out of this is porcelain dental veneers, which are a popular type of cosmetic dentistry. Thin shells of material made to look like teeth are used to hide flaws in the front part of your teeth, making you look better overall. The form, size, length, and color of your teeth can all be changed with veneers. Patients whose teeth are stained, broken, chipped, have gaps, or have other flaws can use veneers to improve their smile and feel better about themselves.

Many people use porcelain veneers to get the perfect, beautiful smile they’ve always wanted. Even though porcelain veneers are very strong, you need to take good care of them if you want them to last a long time. Porcelain veneers can last between 10 and 15 years if they are well taken care of. Composite resin veneers, on the other hand, only last between 4 and 8 years. Here are some tips to help you keep your porcelain teeth in good shape.

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Take care of your teeth

The best thing you can do to keep your veneers looking great for a long time is to take care of your teeth. This will help your veneers last longer and keep your mouth healthy. Even though porcelain veneers don’t get cavities, there may still be parts of the tooth that are visible and could get cavities. To keep your veneers in good shape, you will need to brush twice a day and floss once.

Use a soft toothbrush and the right toothpaste.

If you have porcelain veneers, you need to make sure you brush your teeth with a soft toothbrush. If you use a toothbrush with hard bristles, it can damage the polish on your veneers. Try to avoid toothpastes with strong abrasives because they can also damage your veneers. Ask your Starry Smile doctor to suggest a good toothpaste for your veneers. Either an electric or regular toothbrush will work.

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Keep gum disease at bay

Gum disease tends to make the gums swell and sometimes pull away from the teeth. When your gums recede, they can show part of the veneer, which can change the way your teeth look and how your smile looks. Keep up with good oral care, and if your veneers get broken, see your dentist.

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Get your teeth checked regularly

If you have porcelain veneers, you should make sure to see your doctor every six months. Your gums and teeth will stay healthy, and if you need to, your veneers can be fixed. Keep your regular meetings to make sure your veneers last as long as possible.

Don’t chew on things

Even though ceramic veneers are strong, they are not as strong as natural teeth. Try not to chew on hard things like ice, your toenails, pens, and pencils. If you chew on something hard, it could damage your veneers or cause them to chip.

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Don’t grind or clench your teeth

Whether you have veneers or not, you should stop grinding your teeth or clenching your jaw. It can wear down your veneers and do a lot of damage to the porcelain. If you tend to clench or grind your teeth, you should talk to your dentist about how to stop this bad habit before it hurts your teeth or veneers.

Don’t eat foods that make your teeth yellow

Most ceramic veneers don’t stain, but the glue that holds them on doesn’t. This could make the sides of your veneers look darker or yellow. Try to stay away from drinks like coffee and soda, or use a straw, to make it less likely that these drinks will stain your veneers.

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Don’t smoke

Everyone knows that smoking is a bad habit, and it’s also bad for your teeth. It could damage or change the color of your veneers. If you want them to look their best, you should try not to smoke.

Porcelain veneers can make a big difference in how you look and how confident you feel about yourself. If you take good care of them, you will have them for a long time. Make sure you see your dentist often so they can keep your smile looking beautiful and bright. Contact us today to find out more about Starry Smile’s ceramic veneers.


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