There are numerous advantages to orthodontic treatment. In addition to helping you chew, smile, and speak with confidence and comfort, straight and aligned teeth can minimise the risk of periodontal disease and cavities. However, you may first need to determine which therapy, aligners or braces, would provide you with the smile you seek.
The orthodontic treatment known as braces consists of archwires and brackets. Attached to your teeth with wires threaded and connected through their slots, these brackets exert constant effort to straighten your teeth. In contrast, aligners are thin, hygienic trays that, unlike braces, are detachable. They are also referred to as “invisible dental braces” since they apply consistent, yet moderate pressure to the teeth.
Aligners and braces have different dynamics, and require varying standards of care and maintenance.
Typically, installing braces requires two lengthy procedures known as bond and debond – putting them on and getting them off. You will be required to schedule numerous quick appointments with your dentist in between these to make any necessary changes as your teeth shift. Although the frequency of appointments vary by instance, you may be needed to visit once every few weeks.
In contrast, first and final sessions with aligners are very lengthy. However, your in-between sessions will depend on your orthodontist, since some may demand you to replace your aligners every 10 to 14 days, while others may simply supply them to you without periodic follow-up consultations.
Aligners are made of clear, thin plastic that is custom-fitted to the patient’s teeth, making them less apparent than braces.
Aligners are detachable. You can remove them and eat any meal you like, whether it’s hard or chewy, unlike with braces, where you must limit your diet to soft foods in order to prevent breakages and repairs.
Since aligners are removable, you can clean your teeth, brush and floss regularly. Additionally, you can clean them alongside your teeth to prevent the growth of bacteria.
There are numerous sorts of braces, ranging from metal ones with or without colour to porcelain ones that are more unobtrusive. You may select the hues and styles that you believe will look best on you.
Since braces are bonded to the teeth, they cannot be misplaced or neglected. This may be especially helpful for patients who have a busy schedule and occasionally forget to comply with their treatment’s aftercare.
There may be several factors to consider while weighing your orthodontic treatment options. Contact the best orthodontists in Dubai through Starry Smile Dental Centre in order to determine the optimal dental arrangement for you, and start your road toward a beautiful and healthy smile.
Schedule an appointment today https://starrysmileuae.com/appointment-form/