Dental Crowns: What You Need to Know About Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a cap that is custom-made to look like a tooth and is used to cover big gaps that can’t be fixed with simple fillings. It can also be used to fix teeth that are oddly shaped, badly stained, discolored, or broken.

A lot of the people who come to us need caps for their teeth. In fact, because it works well and is cheap, it’s one of the most popular dental procedures.

Dental crowns help you cover up unattractive parts of your teeth and make your smile and attitude look better. In simple terms, a dental crown is like a cap for a tooth. It is an easy way to fix broken or damaged teeth that works well.

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How do crowns for teeth work?

When your dentist says it’s okay for you to get a dental crown, he or she will take an x-ray of your teeth to make a mold of them.

Based on this impression, a mold is made that helps make a temporary crown that is put on your broken tooth to protect and cover the area while the permanent crown is being made.

Since it is made in a dental lab, it can take up to four weeks to make a fixed crown.

Different Types of dental crowns

Acrylic crowns are the most popular type of crowns, but they aren’t the only ones you can get. There are several other types of dental crowns as well. Porcelain, metal alloy, ceramic, and gold alloy are a few other popular materials.

  • Porcelain : The best thing about porcelain crowns is that they can be made to look like your real teeth. As porcelain is a weak metal, it is combined with metal alloys to make it stronger.
  • Ceramic : Ceramic crowns cost the same as porcelain crowns, but they are usually lighter because they don’t need to be bonded to a metal. They look and feel natural, but clay crowns need more care than porcelain crowns because they don’t last as long.
  • Alloys of metal and gold : Metal alloys and gold alloys have been used for dental crowns for years because they last longer than other materials, even though they tend to be more expensive. Also, they don’t look as natural as other options, so they’re best for teeth that aren’t noticeable when you smile or open your mouth.

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Is the process painful or dangerous?

The process is done after a small amount of anesthesia is given to the patient, which takes away any chance of pain or soreness. Once the anesthesia wears off, the patient may feel some sensitivity or very mild pain that goes away in a few minutes or hours.

How long does a crown last on a tooth?

Depending on how well you take care of them, dental crowns can last anywhere from 5 to 15 years. If you want your dental crowns to last longer, you need to take care of your mouth health. This means brushing and flossing every day and not biting on hard things.

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If you have more questions about dental crowns or any other dental treatment, feel free to contact us at Starry Smile Dental Centre.

Call us at +971 4 584 1014

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