Root Canal Treatment in Dubai

Rootcanal Treatment Dubai

The root canal is to repair and save an infected or badly damaged tooth instead of removing it. Are you looking for Root Canal Treatment in Dubai or Al Furjan. In root canal treatment, the canals inside the tooth’s root are cleaned. Many years ago, root canal treatment was a painful procedure. The alternatives to root canal treatment are the extraction of the damaged tooth, replacing a tooth with a partial denture, or dental implant and bridge.

root canal treatment cost process & doctor Dubai

The Need For Root Canal

Teeth comprises a dental pulp. This pulp extends from the crown towards the tooth's root of the jawbone. The pulp has connective tissue, nerves, and blood vessels. If a tooth is chipped or cracked they get a deep cavity and bacteria would enter the pulp. Tooth injury also causes pulp damage and inflammation. When untreated, the decaying material and bacteria cause severe infection, tooth abscess causing pulp death, and loss of tooth or bone loss. Symptoms can be a hole in your tooth, swelling of the face and neck, gum swelling, toothache, and temperature sensitivity.

Root Canal Treatment

Endodontists or a dentist perform the root canal treatment. It usually takes two visits, but sometimes additional visits are needed since some teeth are difficult to treat. You must take dental X-rays to check the level of damage. You would get a local anesthetic to control the pain. A dental dam is used around your tooth to keep the tooth free from saliva. Decay is removed and they open the crown of the tooth to access the pulp chamber. Dental instruments are used to remove the diseased pulp.
Root Canal Treatment in Dubai

Clearing The Root Canal Infection

After the removal of the diseased pulp, the root canals and pulp chamber are flushed and cleaned. They’re reshaped and enlarged to access for filling. All the infections are cleaned and dried before making a permanent filling. A temporary filling is made on the crown to protect your tooth from saliva and debris. Avoid chewing or biting until it has been permanently restored.

Filling The Root Canals

Once dried, the interior of the tooth like the root canals and the empty pulp is filled. The temporary filling is removed to access the insides of the tooth. A rubber and sealer paste is used to fill the tooth and followed by a large dental filling.

Last Stage Of A Root Canal

The last stage of the root canal is to restore your tooth. After a large filling, your tooth needs to be protected from further damage. So, the artificial tooth is placed on the crown, which is made of porcelain, gold, or porcelain fused with metal.

After Your Root Canal

Now your restored tooth with a new crown will work like a natural tooth. You must follow good dental hygiene to make your restored tooth last a lifetime. 

Book an Appointment with Starry Smile Dental Centre if you are looking for Root Canal Treatment in Dubai.

Pay in 4 Interest Free Payments

We offer Dental Plan to our patients. It’s a very flexible plan, that you can use to finance 100% or only a portion of your treatments. With Tabby, you can split your purchases into 4 interest-free payments and earn cashback at your favourite stores.


Payment Methods

Our Clinic accept a variety of payment options.So we accept a variety of payment choices and third-party financing options that fit your wallet.


Credit Cards


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